The Disclaimer is added for confidentiality and security purposes to the data room. It must be agreed to by all non-admins prior to entering the data room.

Who can access the disclaimer?

The Disclaimer can be accessed by admins and users with the Manage Users & Settings permission enabled. While there is a standard language, the disclaimer can be fully customized with the preferred language.

How do you access the disclaimer?

  1. Login to the desired platform (DealVDR,, or InvestorSet)
  2. Hover over the data room name and on the right-hand side, select the "Manage Settings" icon
  3. Select "Additional Security & Disclaimer" in the Settings

Note: By default, a standard disclaimer is in place and can be modified as desired on this page

Can you disable the disclaimer?

Yes, to disable the disclaimer completely, delete ALL text within the Data Room Disclaimer text box and then press Save Changes. Leaving the disclaimer section blank will remove the prompt that users see when logging in to the data room.